California's Smog Check Inspector State Exam Prep

Smog Check Inspector Online Exam #3

This is an online smog preparation online course to help you pass the smog inspector exam. In this exam we will discuss some of the rules and regulations you should be familiar with. 

The state test is difficult but you can pass it, this series of online exams was put together to help you.

Before passing any test you should have a good understanding of how to to perform a complete smog inspection. 

Knowledge Base questions:

Military Vehicles: You will need to understand how to perform a smog on a military vehicle.

B.A.R. Label: Understand which vehicle requires a B.A.R. Label and why

License Smog Repair Technician: Conducting repairs before the actual smog inspection how would this vehicle be certified.

V.I.N.: Understand how to input the VIN into the EIS and what you should do if the VIN doesn't match?

Visual Inspection: Understand the the difference between missing, modified, disconnected and defective.

Also understand the acronyms for each  failed category

Visual Inspection: When conducting a visual inspection know the whole system not just one component of that system. 

Example what's in the PCV system, can you name the parts. 

Evap and Gas cap or both of these components in the EVAP System.

Motor Home: How would you smog a motorhome that's 8400 GVWR verses 10,000 GVWR or is there a difference?

Ambient Temperature: What is the ambient temperature needed to use the smog machine B.A.R. fan

ASM Test: What is the maximum axle weight for the ASM test

ASM Test: How do you perform an ASM test with a vehicle that has a manual transmission

Timing: What is the base timing tolerance?

Federal Certified Vehicle: What is Non Compliance Vehicle and how is it certified

Warranty: What is the Federal warranty on a catalytic converter

Emission Repairs: What type of repair can a non-smog license repair shop perform

Emission Repair: Understand the order of repairs for a failed smog inspection

T.S.I.: Understand how to perform a functional check on an EGR

Nox Failure: Understand the emission components and how they affect the emission readings. 

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Nate Davis: Engine Performance / Automotive Emissions Instructor

Click Here for My Online Master Class for the State Smog Exam 


Emission Control 1:

B.A.R. Smog Check

Inspector Level 1

(Inspector "Smog" License):

Engine Fundamentals  

8am - 12:15 pm 

Summer Class

7/5/2022 -8/5/2022

Class # 799065

Emission Control 2:

B.A.R. Smog Check

Inspector Level 2

(Inspector "Smog" License):

Rules and Regulations

8am - 12:15 pm

Summer Classes

7/5/2022 - 8/5/2022

Class # 799067

Engine Performance 1:

 8am - 12: 15 pm

Date: TBD

Class # 799069

Engine Performance 2:

B.A.R. Specified Diagnostic

and Repair Training

(Repair "Smog" License)

Time: TBD 

Date: TBD 

Class # 799071

Emission Control 1

(Inspector "Smog" License):

5:00pm - 8:45 pm

Date: TBD

Class # 799065

Emission Control 2: 

(Inspector "Smog" License):

5:00pm - 8:45 pm

Date: TBD

Class # 799065

Exhaust Emissions (Update Class):

5:30 pm - 8:45 pm 

Tuesday nights: 

Dates: coming soon 

Class # 796070